Turning all controls into open source

As some of you already may have noticed, I have published all controls on GitHub, under the MIT license.
During the last 3 years I have kind of lost the interest in developing software for the Win32 platform, especially for an ancient technology like VB6. In 2016 and 2017 I did not write many lines of code, at least not for the ActiveX controls. One reason is that I don’t really like Windows anymore. With Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, Microsoft managed to make me dislike the system that I have been loving for almost 20 years. It does not feel like “my system” anymore. Linux has taken over this place.
Also, independently from my dislike of Windows 10, my focus has moved away from Win32, towards web technology, mobile technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

You might see me committing changes to the GitHub repositories from time to time, but don’t expect any real development, at least not from me. Small bugfixes or even small new features that cost me like an hour to implement, might happen. But anything that requires days of work and changing big parts of the sourcecode is extremly unlikely to happen. Maybe someone else feels like picking up the projects and continue development.

You can find the projects here: https://github.com/TimoKunze

There’s still one project missing: A RichTextBox control that I have never managed to finish. I’ll publish it as well soon.

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