Author: TiKu

  • DateTimeControls 1.4.0

    I’ve released an update of the DateTimeControls library. The controls now provide events for extended mouse button clicks and mouse wheel scrolling. Additionally I’ve reactivated the data-binding capabilities.

    Be aware that the events for the extended mouse buttons depend on the mouse driver configuration. So if they are not raised at all, this is more likely because of the mouse driver than because of potential bugs in the control library.

  • Animation 2.6.1, ButtonControls 1.9.0, ComboListBoxControls 1.4.0

    It’s been a long time without any new release, but I have not been totally lazy.
    While version 2.6.1 of the Animation control only fixes a small regression, the ButtonControls and ComboListBoxControls libraries have been extended by new features. The controls from the ButtonControls library now provide events for extended mouse button clicks. The ComboListBoxControls library controls also provide these new events as well as events for mouse wheel scrolling. Additionally I’ve fixed a bug that did lead to many mouse events being raised with wrong mouse coordinates and I’ve reactivated the data-binding capabilities.

    Be aware that the events for the extended mouse buttons depend on the mouse driver configuration. So if they are not raised at all, this is more likely because of the mouse driver than because of potential bugs in the control library.

  • Animation 2.6.0

    I’ve released an update of the Animation control. It comes with new events for extended mouse button clicks and uses less GDI resources.

    Be aware that the events for the extended mouse buttons depend on the mouse driver configuration. So if they are not raised at all, this is more likely because of the mouse driver than because of potential bugs in the control library.

  • ShellBrowserControls 1.4.5

    I’ve released a new version of the ShellBrowserControls library. It improves stability and performances, especially on Windows 8.1.

  • EditControls 1.9.0, ExplorerListView 1.6.0, ExplorerTreeView 2.5.0

    Happy new year to everyone!

    I’ve released updates for the EditControls, ExplorerListView, and ExplorerTreeView ActiveX control libraries. They come with new events for mouse wheel rotation and extended mouse button clicks. I’ve also restored data-binding capabilities and fixed a tiny GDI resource leak.

    Be aware that the events for the extended mouse buttons depend on the mouse driver configuration. So if they are not raised at all, this is more likely because of the mouse driver than because of potential bugs in the control libraries.

  • ExplorerListView 1.5.3, ExplorerTreeView 2.4.0, ShellBrowserControls 1.4.4

    I’ve released updates for the ExplorerListView, ExplorerTreeView, and ShellBrowserControls libraries. ExplorerListView 1.5.3 improves the performance, especially if the control is used together with the ShellListView control. ExplorerTreeView 2.4.0 adds a new possibility to identify tree view items and slightly improves performance if the control is used together with the ShellTreeView control. The ShellBrowserControls library fixes a couple of bugs and improves performance, especially for the ShellListView control in thumbnails mode.

  • LabelControls 1.0.5

    I’ve another release for today: Version 1.0.5 of the LabelControls library fixes quite a few bugs and re-activates data-binding capabilities. Especially users of version 1.0.4 should upgrade, because 1.0.4 has not been my best release. 😉

  • ButtonControls 1.8.9

    I’ve released version 1.8.9 of the ButtonControls library. It has the data-binding capabilities re-enabled again. I had to disable them in version 1.8.7 earlier this year after a faulty Windows update. My thanks go to Dana Seaman who made me aware of a possible workaround.
    You should register the control library with regsvr32, otherwise the workaround won’t become active.

  • ButtonControls 1.8.8, EditControls 1.8.5, LabelControls 1.0.4

    I’ve released updates to the ButtonControls, EditControls and LabelControls libraries. The LabelControls update fixes a few bugs with the WindowlessLabel control. All three releases reduce the usage of GDI resources.

  • TabStrip 1.7.0

    I’ve released version 1.7.0 of the TabStrip control. Now it is possible to display the close button only on the active tab instead of all tabs.

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