new problem with the optionbutton.
Place two OptionButtons onto a form (opt1 and opt2).
Set following properties:
opt2.Selected = True
opt1.TabIndex = 0
opt2.TabIndex = 1
When you run the application, the optionbutton opt1 is selected instead of opt2.
After the Form_Load event, the optionButtons_selectionchanged events are fired.
Maybe, the property TabIndex causes this behavior.
When you change the values of the tabindex properties, the OptionButton opt2 is selected.
ButtonControls 1.4 Unicode
EditControls 1.4 Unicode
DateTimeControls 1.1 Unicode
Statusbar 1.2 Unicode
Re: OptionButton
Yeah, that's the normal behavior. If the OptionButton receives the focus, it is selected. And since the control, whose TabIndex property is set to 0, receives the focus on application startup...
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