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Posted: 31 Oct 2007, 18:47
by WoF
Hello Tiku,

it has been some time since I've been here last and I see that ExplorerTreeView 1 has upgraded to 1.14.

I'm still having your 1.12 running in my app and never so far encountered any problem.

What do you say? Is it recommendable to upgrade to 1.14 (or 2.xx)?
Is there trouble to experience with 1.12?
I'm not going Vista for a long time I hope. :)

Best Regards

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 11:49
by TiKu

Well, I fixed many bugs (not only on Vista), including some crashes since 1.12.0. Also newer versions have slightly better performance. My beta tester uses 1.14 in a larger commercial product and didn't report any problems so far.
Mainly because of the crashes I fixed, I recommend upgrading to 1.14.

Version 2.x is still just a plain treeview. The ShellBrowser control that will transform it into a treeview with shell-browsing capabilities so that it can replace ExplorerTreeView 1, makes only slow progress because I have almost no time to work on it (or any other project).

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:04
by WoF
Thanks for the prompt reply, Tiku.
I shall go and get me the 1.14 then, and include it in my future updates.
Although I did not have any problem yet, I consider the update because you say it has improved performance. I still have to deal with large amounts of files.

Thanks for everything, man.
It's a real good piece of work.