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Japanese charters does not show

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 08:08
by godeny

i am experimenting with your "Events" sample.
I changed the font of the edit controls from Tahoma to Arial Unicode MS - this font contains uch more characters. I use the "Zeichentabelle" program from Windows (sorry, i am at the moment in Germany, and have a german Windows XP) to place characters on the clipboard. The hungarian, russian, greek character show up in the controls, if i paste them, but the japanese characters show only a replacement. The clipboard has the characters correctly, if i paste the clipboard into a Firefox composer, the japanese charceters will be shown correctly.

As my project has a picture database, and i want to show the names of the authors (and other information about the pictures too), and several pictures come from Japan, i need to show japanese characters too.

Can you help me please ?


Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 10:43
by TiKu
That's strange. I'll have a look at it. Could you tell me the code of a character that doesn't work?

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 10:50
by godeny
None of them works.
Here two codes, 0x30A1 is from the hiragana/katakana section, 0x4E01 from the CJK section.

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 12:06
by TiKu
Is the UseSystemFont property set to True (the default)? If so, probably another font than Arial Unicode MS is used and the characters can't be displayed in this font.
Also how do you paste the characters? Ctrl+V? VB's Clipboard object isn't Unicode-capable, so using Clipboard.GetText() shouldn't be used.

So far I can't reproduce the problem (using Arial Unicode MS and Ctrl+V).

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 12:12
by godeny
It was the UseSystemFont property.
Excuse me.
(It is not a usual property for the normal controls).

Thank you for the quick help.


Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 12:19
by TiKu
No problem, you're not the first one struggling with this property. :)
I'll add a note to the FAQ in the help files.