I've just released Beta 1 of ExplorerTreeView 2.0. :cheers:
There're 2 files: The Release build and the Debug build. The Release build was compiled using full optimizations and is much faster than the Debug build, which contains tons of debug information. Those informations can be used to search for mem leaks, buffer overflows and so on.
Both setups contain an ANSI version, an Unicode version, corresponding help files and 8 sample projects for Visual Basic 6.0. The Unicode version is the preferred one, but doesn't run on Windows 98/Me. Windows 95 isn't supported anymore.
This version doesn't contain any shell-browsing code. It's a plain treeview, but with many features.
Please use the Betaplace forum for feedback.
Well, enough said. Happy testing.
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ExplorerTreeView 2.0.0 Beta 1
ExplorerTreeView 2.0.0 Beta 1
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