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Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 06:41
by None
I am trying to run "studyprof" but it gives this message---runtime error 363: couldn't load "Progbar.ocx". how do I fisx this problem? Thanx

Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 23:19
by TiKu

do you mean this with "studyprof"? It doesn't seem to use any of my components. You should contact the author of studyprof.
You could also try to reinstall studyprof.

Hope this helps


Posted: 12 Dec 2005, 06:00
by Guest
I just thought someone could know anything about the error bar since that was the topic on some of the post. Thanks

program won't run on systems newer than Win95

Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 20:30
by Guest
Hey guys,

I've encountered the same problem with StudyProf Flash Cards (StudyProf Lernkartei) and contacted the author. The problem is that the program does NOT run under any Windows after Win95. This means that StudyProf Flash Cards ONLY runs on Win95 and WinNT4 despite what it says on its website!!

So all you can do is deinstall the program and switch to another, more modern software!

Best wishes,