Tag: ImageComboBox

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.2.2, ExplorerListView 1.3.2, ShellBrowserControls 1.2.1

    I’ve released a couple of updates. ComboListBoxControls 1.2.2 fixes an important bug in the DriveComboBox control which did not display network drives that are currently not available.
    ExplorerListView 1.3.2 fixes the methods for finding items, which did not work on Windows Vista and newer.
    ShellBrowserControls 1.2.1 is the largest update today. It fixes several bugs, for instance Tiles view did not work for the recycle bin. It also improves support for dragging items from different namespaces or displaying a shell context menu for such items. However, the most important improvements have been made in the area of network drives. Previous versions became extremely slow if your system contained network drives and you opened “My Computer”. Performance in this area has been improved massively.

  • Animation 2.3.1, ButtonControls 1.6.1, ComboListBoxControls 1.2.1, DateTimeControls 1.2.2

    I’ve released some updates. They don’t contain new features, but fix several bugs.

    More updates will come soon, so stay tuned.

  • Animation 2.3.0, ButtonControls 1.6.0, ComboListBoxControls 1.2.0, DateTimeControls 1.2.0, EditControls 1.6.0

    Happy new year to everyone!

    I have released new versions of some controls. I fixed several bugs, including crashes (which did not happen often though). I also migrated to Visual C++ 2010. Unfortunately this also means that Windows 2000 is not supported any longer, because the compiler doesn’t support it anymore.

  • ButtonControls 1.5.1, ComboListBoxControls 1.1.3, ExplorerListView 1.0.0

    I released some updates which fix various bugs. The update for ButtonControls also brings an interesting new VB6 sample that demonstrates how to implement a color chooser drop-down button using ButtonControls.
    As only one bug has been reported for the RC1, ExplorerListView now is final.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.1.2

    I have released version 1.1.2 of ComboListBoxControls. It fixes two bugs.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.1.1

    I have released version 1.1.1 of ComboListBoxControls. It fixes two bugs and adds a new property page for specifying Unicode texts at design time.

  • Animation 2.2.1, ButtonControls 1.4.3, ComboListBoxControls 1.1.0, DateTimeControls 1.1.1, EditControls 1.4.2

    Happy new year!

    I’ve released updates of Animation, ButtonControls, ComboListBoxControls, DateTimeControls and EditControls. The ComboListBoxControls update is a larger one and includes a new feature. The other updates contain minor fixes and tweaks only.
    I’ve also started to ship stripped debug symbol files (*.pdb) with the binaries. This will give you more detailed stack traces when creating crash dumps or debugging your program with a symbolic debugger like Visual C++.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.0.0

    I found time earlier than expected, so I could finish ComboListBoxControls. I fixed some bugs, completed the feature set and added two C++ samples. Unfortunately I had to break compatibility – but it’s better to do this two weeks after the initial release than after one year.

  • ComboListBoxControls 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1

    I know that many of you are waiting for Unicode combo and list box controls. I had planned to release them around October 15th, but I had too many other things to do. Even today, the controls are not yet fully ready for release. They need much more testing, the sample projects are incomplete, and I’m thinking about one more feature (AutoUpdate) for the DriveComboBox control. But since I won’t be able to work on the controls in November (and maybe December), I’m releasing them now, tagged as release candidate. You can start using the controls, but shouldn’t be surprised if you come across bugs.

    The control library contains a combo box control, a list box, an image combo box and a drive combo box. All controls support drag’n’drop, the list box also supports item tool tips. The combo box and list box support an owner draw mode, which e. g. can be used when displaying a list of all fonts installed on the system.

    I won’t start working on new controls anytime soon. Instead I’ll concentrate on final releases of ExplorerListView 1.0 and ExplorerTreeView 2.0 (and of course ComboListBoxControls). And there’s also the ShellBrowserControls library, which is delayed due to some hard-to-solve show stoppers.

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